I work as a school nurse, but my real joy and satisfaction comes from being my husband's wife and my kids' mom. This blog shares bits and pieces about my life.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
A Shocking Demise

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
A Little Culture for the Left-brained Family Members

My parents met in October their freshman year of college. They were married the next July. They had me the following July. Then my brother came 2 years later and dad graduated from college. Mom wasn't able to finish college. My sister arrived 18 months after my brother while dad was busy in medical school. The next brother came 3 years later, just as my dad was graduating from medical school. The last brother arrived during my dad's residency program. That's 5 kids in 11 years, all while the husband was either finishing college, medical school or residency. That did not leave mom much free time to pursue anything but raising children; using her out-of-this world awesome sewing, cooking, homemaking skills to save money; fulfilling many different church callings; teaching her children about different cultures and art; making sure everyone's homework was done; dealing with a medically-complex child much on her own because dad was busy; and many other things.
So, as soon as most of us were out the door and on our own, it was finally Mom's time to pursue her passions. Some things were not new (her knitting really took off and now she teaches classes at an annual knitting conference and Boise) and others were new. One of those new pursuits was learning to play the harp. She started 15 years ago (I think). She didn't play for groups much at first, but now she plays with an ensemble the performs quite frequently.
It's great that we live close enough that we can go listen to the group play. After last night's performance, Dave said "I'm amazed at the number of songs that they had to know how to play." Now maybe he understands why there are varsity letters available for the arts. We all really enjoyed listening to the music.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
C is Caring, Christmas, and [C]arma

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
"The Brown's" Might Be Our New Name

Me: "Just one lonely piece of mail?"
Carson: "Yep. It's a reminder that our warranty on our washer and dryer is going to run out soon."
Me: "Not even one Christmas card?"
Carson: "Nope. I guess we'll have to change our name to Brown....you know, like Charlie Brown. He checks the mail every day and never gets a card."
Monday, December 13, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Why Do They Drive Miles and Brave Sore Bottoms? Because They Care.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Doing Their Duty (Because They Care)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Character Trait of the Month: Caring
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010
Perpetuating the Myth
I got my flu shot on Tuesday and now I'm sick. Not fully sick, just partly sick. I have a sore throat, headache, and feel like I'm walking around in another universe.
Maybe it is just the power of suggestion since the nurse told me that I might have mild flu-like symptoms.
I think next year I'll go back to just letting my own immune system do its job and take my chances.
No more flu shots for me. They make me sick.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Snow Day?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
What Holiday Do We Celebrate This Month?
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Home of the Free Because of the Brave

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Did You Get to See Her?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The Power of Cheese: It Can Take a 14-year old Boy to His Knees

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Juggling and Delegation
Friday, October 29, 2010
I'm That Kind of Mother

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
A Couple of Shout-outs
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Just Call Me Smacktalk

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
This Day is Such A Special One--It's Birthday Time for Him

Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The War
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
A Cure for What Ails Me
Monday, October 11, 2010
I'm Not Sure I Really Matter
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Holy Inappropriateness
Monday, October 4, 2010
Happy, Happy Birthday Katie B.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
A Wild Hair
A Change in Perspective

Monday, September 20, 2010
It Started Bad, But Then It Got Better

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
20 Minutes
Monday, September 13, 2010
Props to WalMart
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Whew, We Made It
Monday, August 30, 2010
Other Summer Happenings
- playing at the river with friends (Oh, why won't you let me add a picture, Blogger?)
- attending the Carey family reunion where the "Knobnosters" beat the "Monster Trucks" in a rousing game of softball
- cousin Skyler coming for the week
- someone getting a "real" job--thank you Golden Arches YAY, Blogger decided to let me put up a picture!
- Dave and Katelyn going a Mariners game to celebrate Grandpa and Grandma Graham's 44th wedding anniversary. And where Dave discovered that teen-age boys are DEFINITELY starting to pay attention to a certain teen-age girl.
- 2 summer birthdays. Hello 39 and 14.
- wrestling camp and a wrestling retreat.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
20 Years, Man

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
How to Reward Honesty?

Monday, August 16, 2010
Montana 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010
Are We There Yet?
Monday, August 2, 2010
I Got the Bird Today
Friday, July 30, 2010
Happy Birthday Boy

- You should know that I am going to miss driving you to school each day. This last school year I really enjoyed doing this for you, even though the drive was only about 5 minutes. Sometimes we had the best little talks in that 5 minutes.
- You should know that I am also going to miss not having you at a school that I work at. This is the first time in 8 years that I won't get to see you at some point during the school day.
- You should know that high school is a clean slate. Make sure that you make a good first impression.
- You should know that first impressions really count. Right or wrong, people place a lot of value on their first impression of you.
- You should know that your dad and I will always be here for you. We will do our best to help you.
- You should know that you are the only person I will play basketball with. Shooting hoops in the basement has been a lot of fun for me. Even though I'm really bad at it and I don't like to do things that I am really bad at.
- You should know not to ever let the fear of failure interfere with the possibility of success. Yes, sometimes the learning curve is steep, but the rewards of accomplishment are often great.
- You should know that I have been so impressed with how well you have done keeping up with the kitchen-cleaning duties. You have set a very good example for your sister to follow when she has to start resuming some of her kitchen responsibilities next month.
- You should know that the word "gospel" means good news. And with good news comes peace, happiness and joy.
- You should know that by living the gospel teachings, as found in the Holy Bible and Book of Mormon, you will find the most happiness, joy, and peace. I know this to be true. I know that living a Christ-like life and trying to always do God's will, will not always be easy. But it will always be worth it.
- You should know that when I was 18, I received a special blessing. That blessing said that one of my greatest gifts and blessings would be my children. You should know that you truly are a fulfilment of that blessing.
- You should know that you were not sent to this family by accident. We needed you in our family. We have many things to learn from each other.
- You should know that I know some day you will make a terrific father. You have the same natural ease around children that your father and Uncle Dan have.
- You should know that no matter how big you get, you will always be my "little buddy".
I hope you have a terrific birthday, Carson. I love you.
PS You should know that I almost made it through typing this whole list without crying. I'm sure you know by now that I am a crier
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Summer Jobs
Friday, July 16, 2010
Ways Children Keep You Humble
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Ding Dong the Fish is Dead
Friday, July 9, 2010
My Brain is Afflicted with Summer-time ADD
- Little Roo got a compliment today from a random stranger. I thought it was very nice.
Then I got thinking about how many times I have missed giving a compliment. Was it because I was too busy? Was it because I felt awkward or that it might not seem sincere?
- Then I thought my conversation with my friend Jessice R. at boot camp this morning. She is a terrific mom. She has 5 kids. I don't know how she does it. I should have told her I am impressed by all she does. So Jessica R. if you are reading this, I apologize for not passing on the compliment earlier. But I do think you are a good mom, raising wonderful childrent.
- Then I thought of my friend Jessica A. Another awesome mom who is just discovering the joys of raising a boy. She is also super talented when it comes to home decorating. Again, late on the complimenting, but please know Jessica A. that I think you rock.
- Final random thought for this morning was...how do you go about opening an ice cream store? I think the community of LL is definitely lacking in this area. I don't mean a franchise. I mean a store similar in feel to The Scoop on the South Hill. Where do you even begin. And if I can't do an ice cream store, how about a genuine BBQ pit?
See, summer-time ADD. I just have random thoughts that go round and round in my head. During the school year I completely ignore them because I don't have time to get off-track and distracted.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Toddlers and Teen-agers

- random temper tantrums--yep.
- various ways of saying "I do it myself"--definitely
- moments when you say "What were you thinking?"--oh yeah
- daily messes--certainly, except toddlers usually aren't as sassy when they are asked to help clean up.
- afternoon naps--Hallelujah!

Monday, June 28, 2010
Kate and the Life Lesson

She's 16. She needs a job.
This is why she needs a job...
I wish I knew how to make this bigger, so in case you don't have a magnifying glass available at your computer...that's her cell phone bill for $92.20. When she got the cell phone, the agreement was she would pay us $10/month for her line and any charges accrued due to going over her texting limit.
The last 2 years she has had a great summer job. She and her brother sold produce at the local Farmer's Market. It was hard work, but they made a nice little profit. At the close of last year, she said she wouldn't be working at the Farmer's Market because she would be 16 and would have a "real" job.
So far, no "real" job has materialized. And she wrinkles up her nose in disdain at the mention of fast food emporiums. Personally, I rather liked my high school job at McDonald's. I learned some valuable life lessons--how to multi-task, how to interact with the public, etc. As well as some great sayings..."If you have time to lean, you have time to clean"; "If you have time to talk, you have time to stock".
Anyway, back to Katelyn. She's 16. She drives. She's great with kids and running errands. Until a "real" job becomes available, she is available for hire.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
The Hot Rod and Kate
Monday, June 14, 2010
Day 6: We Hitchhiked and Laid on the Beach

Shortly after this picture was taken the week of living mostly as a fruititarian and the walking began to wreak havoc on my GI system. And I became a woman on a mission--to finish the last 8 miles as fast as I could. You can bet Dave and I had some words all along that last 8 miles as he insisted that I couldn't take care of business before I arrived back at the ranger station. I told him we'd just have to see how things progressed. And then proceeded to almost kill him as I practically raced up the 1500' elevation gain (don't worry, that was spread out over the last 3 miles).
We did happen upon some mountain goats along the way. But fortunately no hunters even though it was hunting season and the ranger told us there were hunters out on the trails.
There were some vistas to hike to, but due to the urgency of GI issues, we did not hike to them. It will definitely be something to do the next time we go. And unfortunately the promised waterfall was dry because of the drought Kauai is having.
The trail popped us out onto the Waimea Canyon Road about 2 miles from our car. And even though I was feeling better about this time, we decided to hitchhike back to our car. We were picked up by a guy visiting from Germany and had a nice little chat the two miles down to our car. Side note: I need to work on my listening to foreign accent skills because I only understood about half of what he said.
Anyway, after we finished we decided to hit the beach. So back to Poipu State Park we went. I decided that I just wanted to lay on the beach. Dave snorkeled for one last time. I had about 2 hours to just bask in the sunshine and think.
I discovered how truly blessed I am. Blessed with a husband who works so hard for our family. Blessed that we could take this wonderful trip together. Blessed in so many other ways. But I also realized I need to do a much better job in giving back. I'm formulating a plan.
Sunday we woke up and left paradise. But we returned to our daily paradise with our kids.