Monday, October 11, 2010

I'm Not Sure I Really Matter

So that statement is probably a little melodramatic. Maybe I have Monday"itis". What I should have said is "I'm not sure that my job really matters." I used to believe the school nurse mantra "Every child deserves a school nurse." But the longer I am at my job, the less impact I think school nursing really has on a student's education. Matter-of-fact, I think I do very little that improves a child's education. And I am starting to feel a little guilty about the salary I am paid to do a job which I am not sure does anything to improve the state of education for children. If I were a better person, I would probably just quit. But my husband thinks husbands and wives each have a responsibility to provide income for the home and quite frankly, we have grown accustomed to the extra income and benefits. And I have to admit, that being on the same schedule as my kids is a huge factor in my deciding to stay put. I do recognize that I probably make a difference to the 4 diabetics that are in my schools. And interacting with them is a highlight. And I do enjoy meeting with my advisory group on a weekly basis. But are those interactions enough to justify my salary? Does my job really matter? What is the cure for Monday"itis"? I hope that is all this is because it is too early in the year to be feeling dragged down by my job.

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