It may surprise you to know that I am generally a "glass half-empty"-type. That is the sad truth. And I generally find it easier to default to my natural tendancy than to make the intentional decision to say things in a more positive manner. And the only reason I find it easier is simply because I have allowed it to become a bad habit.
And every month for about 10 days the Eeyore in me really comes out and my natural tendency towards pessimism is on hyper-drive. I try not to spread the dark cloud of doom to those who I interact with regularly. The boys will tell you that that is a FAIL.
So for the next 21 days (that's the generally accepted time frame for breaking a habit) I will make the intentional decision to find the positive, to watch my "phrasology" and state things in a positive, supportive manner, and not speak negatively. Pretty much I will be following Thumper's mom advice: "If you can't say somethin' nice, don't say nothin' at all." Except I will be going out of my way to say something nice since not saying anything at all doesn't seem to be working for me.
And it's a good thing I decided to go this route because I have a whole string of things that I am irritated by, frustrated about, mad at, find ridiculous etc. and I really need to shift my focus. If those things are still bugging me in 21 days, maybe I'll blog about them then.
Oh Pretty Please do a blog post in 21 days about all your annoying things that you kept in!!!!
Don't hurt yourself ;)
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