Sunday, February 5, 2012

I "Love" Days Like This

Today was a great day. It started with a beautiful sunny morning. I enjoyed taking a walk with a good friend before church. We haven't been able to spend much time together since she is battleing plantar fasciitis and can't run. I was so glad to  walk and talk with her.

Then it was church and being with my family. I honestly don't think there is anything better than sitting in the pew next to my husband and holding his hand.

Finally it was off to home to enjoy more of my favorite things...
Junk food, soda, and football!

It was a good day.

Are you feelin' the love yet?

What are you lovin' this month?

1 comment:

jessica said...

You are inspiring me with these love posts...I might just jump on the love wagon, but only after my bathrooms get cleaned! Because I love my bathrooms cleaned more than writing a blog post ;)