Saturday, March 5, 2011

It Was Just a Bad Combination of Things That Has Left Me Hobbling

This morning was an 8 mile run. I was so excited for this run for a few reasons. First, my running buddy was back from Mexico. Second, my running buddy was back from Mexico and that meant I didn't have to run by myself. I hadn't really run much while she was gone because I'm a morning exerciser and I don't like running by myself outside at o'dark thirty. Third, it was a relatively warm morning. Although, Marla did take exception to my assessment of the weather. She thought it was freezing. Let me interrupt here to tell you that I did try to run a 5 mile tempo run on the treadmill last week. However, by mile 2.67 I had generated so much static electricity that my hair was standing up on end, I was getting shocked every time I touched the treadmill bars; it was so bad that the ear buds in my ears were shocking me with each wiggle. I decided I better get off before I blew a fuse or something. Okay, now back to today's run. It was a pretty good run until about mile 5.7. At this point in time there was a perfect storm of bad karma that invoked havoc on my knees. The combination of lack of running the previous week, being two months overdue on buying new shoes, and the gazzillion lunges we did yesterday in boot camp caused both knees to feel like they were going to give out at any moment. We did the last 2.3 miles alternating walking and shuffling. It was horrible. I opted for ice packs instead of an ice bath once I got home. Oh, and Advil. Note to self: take the ice bath. And lay off the lunges on the day before a long run.


jessica said...

Sounds awful! I hope you have a quick recovery...are you running the Windermere half or whole?

Mom said...

Don't mess with knees- they hold a grudge.