Monday, March 21, 2011

It's Monday and the Dog Stinks

It's Monday and Josie really stinks, even though she has already had a bath this morning. She rolled in something when we were out running early this morning. I couldn't run down wind from her or I would start to gag. The car ride home was awful. She had a bath as soon as we got home, which of course totally messed up my morning routine. But I think that smell must have been burned into the tissue in my nose because I swear I can still smell the awfulness--several hours later. It's Monday and I find myself wondering why my guilt-o-meter appears to be broken. I thought about this yesterday as well. I was at a conference Thursday-Saturday, so, consequently I couldn't go for my run on Saturday. Instead, I ran on Sunday. For the record, I don't make it a habit to run on Sunday (can't think of the last time I ran on Sunday and I won't do Sunday races), but this week's run was 10 miles and I didn't feel like I could just skip it. I met my running buddy early and got the run in and still made it home to make sure everyone was up and ready for church. What bothers me is that for some reason I wasn't bothered about running on Sunday. It's Monday and I think I am having olfactory hallucinations. Right now I could swear I smell Chinese food (I'm sitting in the basement and not anywhere close to the basement), but Carson is down here too and he smells nothing. Great. It's Monday and I have to go grocery shopping, which, have I mentioned lately, how much I don't enjoy. Unless I can talk David into going with me. He makes it enjoyable. But I haven't made my shopping list and these olfactory hallucinations are driving me crazy. I don't think I will be able to think of anything else but the smell of Chinese food. It's Monday and I'm signing off. The dog needs another bath, dinner needs to be invented, and I have to try and do something about this smelling problem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So it's Tues- I wouldn't worry about the smell, unless you still smell it. I think the reason you didn't feel guilty about the Sunday run is that you know it was what you needed to do, it was a rare occurance, and it didn't interfer with you keeping the Sabbath holy.
Now, if you decided that meant you could do it EVERY Sunday, that would be a different story.