Saturday, January 29, 2011

How to Wear Out the Dog

Josie and I went for a run today. I was supposed to meet my friend early this morning for a run, but I had horrible cramps and the last time I tried running with horrible cramps, I wound up very miserable. So I slept in and Josie and I went out at about 9 a.m. I thought I had calculated a route that would be about 8 miles. 8 miles is a little farther than Josie is used to running with me, but I thought she would be OK. She did great for most of the run, but by then end she was kind-of dragging behind a little bit. I did "mapmyrun" after I got home. The 8 mile route turned out to be closer to 11. No wonder Josie was tired. But at least I finally got her back for eating my Garmin.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Since the dog ate the Garmin, shouldn't she have known how far you went?