Tuesday, November 5, 2013

An Almost Perfect Blend

Apparently, unbeknownst to us, writers in Hollywood has taken notice of me and Dave. They have taken notes on our personalities, our quirks, and our family dynamics. They have taken those observations and combined them into one fantastically fabulous character that is an almost perfect blend of me and Dave.

Beverly Goldberg

Ok, so Hollywood really hasn't taken some special interest in us. Beverly Goldberg is most likely a caricature of the real-life mother to Adam Goldberg, the creator/writer of the ABC comedy, The Goldbergs. Nevertheless our family loves to watch the show and watch for the similarities between Beverly, Dave and me.

It is hilarious to hear the kids say one minute "Oh, that's just like you, Mom" while I'm just nodding my head in agreement. And then the next minute they are saying "Oh, that's totally Dad" and Dave is shaking his head "NO, NO way!" and we are all laughing hysterically and choking out "Oh yes, yes, that is totally you!"

What parts of Beverly are me? Oh, the mother heart that wants to snuggle up with her kids even though they are both mostly beyond consenting to snuggle. And I do sometimes "mix in" when I think I can help, although this part could go either way between Dave or me. Bev's phrase "I have failed as a mother" may be a phrase that I have used a time or two in some fit of theatrics.

Dave is a little sensitive to the fact that there are parts of Beverly's personality we associate with him. But he really can't argue that he never told the kids they couldn't eat their Halloween candy until it had been thoroughly examined (although, Bev said no Halloween candy until it had been x-rayed at the hospital). And the kids attribute Beverly's mama-bear (read, over-protective) qualities more to Dave than to me.

So somehow without even trying, Hollywood created a perfect hybrid of Dave and me. It is a hoot to watch. If you haven't had a chance to catch and episode of The Goldbergs, you should try. The show is on Tuesday nights on ABC at 9 p.m. Pacific.

Warning: There are a lot of campy 80's references and the dad does walk around in a dress shirt and his tighty-whities when he is at home. There are also a few swear words that crop in here and there (a$$ is the worst one I have heard). But for the most part, pretty darn funny show and appropriate for ages 12+ .

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