Monday, November 25, 2013

25 Random Things You May Not Know About Me

  1. I can spontaneously break out into song if a certain word or phrase reminds me of a line in a song.
  2. I used to think Jim Croce was saying "Bad, bad Leroy Brown. Baddest man in the whole downtown."
  3. The above mentioned song isn't the only one that I have misheard words. Sometimes what I hear and think the song says gives people an opportunity to laugh at my folly.
  4. Sometimes I let the fear of failure interfere with the possibility of success.
  5. I would like to run for state representative but...see number 4.
  6. I developed most of these annoying food allergies after I turned 35.
  7. I once spent all of Christmas day throwing up because I had accidently ingested a very large swallow of kerosene.
  8. Sometimes I still dream of being a doctor.
  9. It took me about a solid year of running before I really began to enjoy it.
  10. Running is still mostly a social activity for me.
  11. I have vowed never to buy anything at Pottery Barn because of the very rude service and treatment I received over 10 years ago.
  12. My best friends from high school are now mostly just Facebook and Christmas card friends. This makes me sad.
  13. I knew after dating Dave for 3 weeks, he was the man I was going to marry. I think he knew it too. That freaked both of us out just a little bit.
  14. I am not a healthy food-only consumer. I find great pleasure in Cheetos, Dr. Pepper and McDonald's French fries...but those types of things are consumed very sparingly.
  15. I do eat a square of dark chocolate every day. I may have an addiction.
  16. I enjoy reading. I particularly enjoy murder mystery, spy/espionage, and non-fiction.
  17. I cannot draw to save my life. Really. This is not an exaggeration.
  18. I also am not crafty. I've tried. It is just not my thing.
  19. I am typing this list when I really should be getting ready for work.
  20. Sometimes I procrastinate important things. I was really bad about procrastinating when I was in college.
  21. I get super frustrated and judgy when parents are reckless and irresponsible with their children. For example, speeding down the street, talking on a cell phone, and child unrestrained. Or not providing the child's school with any working phone numbers or emergency contact information.
  22. I wanted to have four children.
  23. I make an intentional effort to learn the names of the children at the school where I work and do my best to address them by name. My children say this is weird.
  24. I apparently am fashion-challenged. The other day my daughter told me that wearing leggings, long sweater and boots was an appropriate outfit for middle school girls, not me.
  25. And last, but not least...I would love to own and operate a BBQ joint with good old-fashioned Southern offerings: BBQ ribs, corn bread, collard greens and grits.

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