Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Carson Strikes Again

This teen-age boy of mine...sometimes I don't even know what to say. In those moments all I can do is shake my head. Last night's conversation presents a "shake my head" moment.

-Carson: Why is it you can walk up behind a guy & rub his stomach, no big deal. But if you try to do that to a girl
-I interrupt and say "You're going to get punched"
-Carson: Yeah, why is that?
-Me: Boundaries, son. You are breaking all kinds of boundaries when you try to do that.
-David now enters the conversation with this gem: You can only rub pregnant bellies.
-Me: NO! You can't go around rubbing pregnant bellies.
-David: Why not? They're all swollen and rubbable.
-Me: You can't because it is part of the woman's body. She gets to say who touches her. It would be like going up to a pregnant lady and asking to rub her breasts because they are swollen and rubbable due to her pregnancy.
-Carson: So. I would want to rub those, too.

Oh boy.

Fortunately Carson does have a good grip on boundaries and only says those kinds of things to get me all stirred up; although it was Dave who was saying, "NO! NO! NO!" at the end of this conversation. Serves Dave right for even suggesting that somehow boundaries don't apply to pregnant bellies.

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