Friday, February 19, 2010

Tales of the Weird and Not in My Job Description

I don't know that this week at work was particularly "weird" but it was rather busy. It was another round of nit-picking at one of the elementary schools I work at. The same school that we've been working on since before Christmas. Seriously, can we just be done with this plague of lice? Is there some rod I can hold up, have parents look at, and declare all lice dead? Oh to be a modern-day Moses just so I did not have to pick another nit. A male staff member asked me to look at a bump on his chest. Looking is fine, but he also wanted me to feel the lump. That was a first, can't say that I have palpated any lumps on anyone at school--other than the occasional head bump. But there definitely was a lump so I referred him to his primary care doc. Taught 7th graders about blood-borne pathogens, particularly Hep A, B, and C. Nothing like teaching middle school kids to remind you of the importance of checking for understanding. There were a couple of times when I was thinking, "how in the world did your brain process what I just said and come up with a question like that?" Splinted a broken arm this morning. The little girl was in the beginning stages of shock by time she arrived at school. She broke her arm on the way to the bus stop, got on the bus and came to school. There was no question that the arm was broken. Have you seen the Harry Potter movie, Chamber of Secrets? Do you remember the scene where Harry broke his arm? Remember how the arm was bowed? Yeah, so was this little girl's. OK, so I guess dealing with all of those things are probably included in my job description (well, maybe not feeling staff member's lumps), but when all of them occur on back-to-back days, I begin to wonder what the heck is going on. Oh and last night...I got home from the temple at about 9:45. Katelyn had put herself to bed. The boys are out of town. The phone rings about 10 p.m. It's my visiting teacher asking me if I had heard the news. What news? Well, apparently their are cops canvasing the neighborhood (my neighborhood) with a K-9 unit looking for a convicted felon. Sure enough, I can see the flashing lights at the end of the block. Great, so much for a good night's sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just finished helping some guy who was stabbed with a screwdriver, flathead if you're wondering.
