Saturday, March 7, 2009


My sister-in-law, Maggie, tagged me last Wednesday. I'm a little late to play, but I thought I would anyway. So the rules are: go to the fourth folder, fourth picture, and then tag four other people. Steps one and two are easy. Here you go...

Wow, that's totatlly lame. I can't believe that we still have these pictures on our computer. This is the PW80 that we were selling last year on craigslist. I guess I better go through and delete some of our more lame-o files.

Step 3 was to tag four people. This is a little harder since I think there are maybe only 5 people who somewhat regularly read my blog--3 don't have blogs (mom, Nate, and Dan) and the other two I think were recently tagged (Jessica A. and Maggie). So if you are a "lurker" and want to play, you are "It"--consider yourself tagged.

1 comment:

jessica said...

Okay so I have to lovingly agree...that picture is lame. But good for you for playing! I thought my young women's picture was kinda lame but I played along too.