Saturday, March 7, 2009

Stinkin' Awesome!

I promised Katelyn that we would go shopping today for some tennis clothes and tennis bag. Our first stop was Target--I seriously can't remember the last time I was in Target, but I did remember that it had some pretty cute workout gear for a decent price. On the way to Target we reviewed the appointed "tennis" budget and discussed the importance to adhering to said budget. Actually this was a totally unnecessary discussion as my kids have a pretty good grasp on the realities of a budget. Anyway, arriving at Target we headed back to the sportswear area. Katelyn was wanting an underarmor-type shirt and a warm-up jacket. We found both and both were within the budget so no problemo. On the way to check-out, Katelyn and I again were talking about the price of the items, just to make sure we had enough for the tennis bag--which we had priced last week and discovered was about $60. We arrive at check-out and the totatl comes to $23.15. What? I ask the cashier if she had rung up everything. She said yes, this shirt is 12.99 and the jacket 3.74. $3.74! A $30 jacket had rung up for $3.74! I couldn't believe it, but the checker insisted that was the price and really, who was I to argue? Luck could only be on our side today, so off to Joe's we went. We arrived at Joe's and the tennis bag that we thought was $60.00 last week was actually $25 AND was marked down 30%. Because we had totally scored on everything, Katelyn was able to get 2 more tennis shirts, I got a NorthFace windbreaker (50% off, thank you very much) and we still had money left. Stinkin' awesome I tell you, which is what I said to the cashier at Target and Katelyn almost died of embarrassment. She said "Who even says that, mom?" I do, kid, I do.

1 comment:

jessica said...

I LOVE getting deals! And that jacket for 3.74 totally deserved a "Stinkin Awesome". When I get deals like that I like to consider them a blessing of tithing. Seriously I do. Especially when it's on stuff we need and I'm trying to stay on a budget. So YAY for you!