Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I Belong to a Cult

It's true. I came to this "aha" moment, yesterday, as I was pondering why I was feeling so frustrated with my association with this group. And then it came to is a cult. And just like other cults, this group tries to control its members--something this very independent lady is not fond of. Oh sure, they pontificate on the merits of personal rights and freedom of speech. The catch? The rights exercised and the opinions expressed must remain within the confines of their dogma and doctrine. If one tries to step outside of these boundaries, they are warned that this behavior is frowned upon and sometimes the person is even shunned for awhile, just to get the message across. This group also holds children hostage and sadly my children are being held hostage. Again, this group is a firm believer in parental rights...until they get your children and then all of the sudden the parent is no longer the expert on their own child. The leaders of the cult are now the experts and they let the parents know that if it weren't for the guidance, leadership, and intervention of the cult, the children are destined for a less-than-full life. Matter of fact, it is only through belonging to this cult, that leads to success and through no other means is it possible. If a parent dares to remove their child from the cult, the leaders try with all of their might to hold onto the child. Sometimes it is truly heartbreaking to watch parents just totally step aside and agree that the leaders are the experts and must really know what is best for the child. I wish that I had realized earlier that I belonged to such a cult. Perhaps it would have been easier to extracate myself and my children from this place. David got out several years ago and hasn't looked back since. I'm struggling. I guess on the positive side, soon my children will be free from this cult because they will be adults and able to move on. But what will I do? I will try and break free as well, especially once my children are out of the system. I belong to the cult of Public Education.


Anonymous said...

Oh oh, what happened now?

Anonymous said...

What percentage of the "experts" charged with the indoctrination of your children would you say are incompetent? I would say that at Lewiston Elementary the percentage has to be near 60%. The lack of professionalism and overall, umm, no nice way to say it, STIPIDITY of the staff amazes me. The administrators are included in the previous statement. Friday I happened to be picking up the boys and saw the principal wearing dirty jeans and an old golf shirt. I don't get it.


Anonymous said...

I do sometimes worry about my kids in this "cult" also, BUT I feel very lucky to have them in the "ward" they belong to here. Could be much, much worse. I hope it doesn't get worse, though, because home school is not exactly my idea of paradise.

Anonymous said...

It seems that I fat-fingered STUPIDITY. Sorry, I should proof my insults.
