Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Katelyn's Plus One

Yesterday I was privileged to go as Katelyn's "plus one" to her work party at Silverwood. It was a such a good day and made my heart happy. Oh, there wasn't anything specific that made it a fabulous other than I was my daughter's choice to go as "plus one" (OK, so I was the back-up, back-up choice, but at least I was still a choice).

I have often wondered, if given a choice, would my children choose me to hang out with. You see, now that the time-intensive years of child rearing are basically behind me, I have plenty of time to reflect on those years. Unfortunately, hindsight is not kind to me. All I see when I look in the rearview mirror are the glaring errors an imperfect parent made. I see too much time as the "not-the-fun mom"; too much inflexible rule enforcing; too many critical words instead of loving, kind words. There have been many hours of quiet crying and regret, wishing I could do it all over again.

I doubt Katelyn knew how much it would mean to me to be her "plus one" when she asked me to go. To be honest, I don't think I realized how much it would mean to me...the meaning of it set it as I sat watching her and her friends wait in line for a ride and I was reflecting again on raising that beautiful young woman and being amazed that in spite of all my screw-ups and mistakes, she would still ask me to go. I am grateful for that moment and that small tender mercy from God.

Thanks Katelyn for asking me to be your "plus one". It meant a lot to me.

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