Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Slow Good-bye

It always makes me giggle a little when people express their surprise when they discover I eat junk food. I really don't know why they make the assumption that I am a non-junk food eater, but it seems to be a common misconception.

I guess they figure runner + nurse = healthy eater.

I think not being able to eat wheat probably perpetuates that misconception because while others are gorging themselves on  enjoying cookies, donuts, cake, etc. I just walk right on by. Not being able to eat wheat also means that I don't participate in the occassional fast food run. So yeah, I guess I can see why people would make the assumption that I only eat healthy food.

But truth be told, I do like junk food in the form of chocolate, chips and Dr. Pepper 10.

That is until I started training for this marathon. Now even my favs don't sound so awesome. I seriously analyze whether or not I need to eat the peanut M&M's or share in the bag of Cheetos. And I have traded in the Dr. Pepper 10 for even more water. Food now has really become a focused on fuel source & I don't want to gunk up the engine.

Darn this marathon training.

1 comment:

jessica said...

I am such a junk food junkie!!! It's so pathetic. I am finding that marathon training is messing with me too...except for chocolate chip cookies. I can eat those for every meal, every day for the rest of my life. Soda is kind of gross to me. I have to really be in the mood for it and even then I can maybe drink half a can.

Oh and I HATE MARCH!!!! Springing forward. Sunny but cold. And so stinking long!!! Stupid month.