Saturday, December 17, 2011

Blech, I'm Prodromal

I woke up yesterday with the tell-tale signs of an impending sickness of some sort.

I had a sore throat.

An empty-headed feeling (no snarky remarks about being blonde, thank you very much) even though my ears are plugged up.

A slight "sick to my stomach" feeling

And post-nasal drip. Yuck.

My mantra has been since yesterday morning "I will not get sick. I will not get sick."

So far so good, but I still have my symptoms.

Keeping my fingers crossed that nothing worse comes from these.

1 comment:

Maggie said...

Telling yourself that you're not sick is Dan's #1 way of keeping himself healthy. Seems to work for him, but then the rest of us mysteriously acquire a cold. Hmm...