Yes, there was some anxiety experienced by him this morning as he was preparing for the appointment. It didn't help that the teen-age daughter sarcastically responded, "Yeah, good luck with that," when Dave commented that he hadn't been flossing. "What did she mean by that?" he kept asking. How could I tell him that by not flossing for, oh the last 10+ years, he was in for a world of hurt at today's appointment? I don't care how careful and gentle the hygienist is, you just can't avoid pain and suffering when you haven't seen the inside of a dentist's office for several years. Heck, the kids don't think you can avoid pain and suffering at the hands of the dentist even if you go every 6 months.
After his visit, Dave decided that his fear of the dentist and the cleaning was completely unwarranted as his cleaning done today was done by a very nice lady and didn't hurt at all. I wonder if he will be able to convince the kids that going to the dentist doesn't have to be a painful experience? The dentist had good news for him--his gums were in really good shape and he only had 2 cavitities. One of the cavitities is in one of his top wisdom teeth so the dentist recommended that Dave just get his wisdom teeth pulled. That appointment will be scheduled for after school gets out for the summer so I can go with him. The appointment for the other filling will be in June. AND he went ahead and scheduled an appointment for his next cleaning in 6 months.
Everyone give a BIG CHEER for Dave amd his successful trip to the dentist.
He should also get a round of applause for the way he greeted me when I got home from work...he was lying down with a wad of gauze stuffed in his mouth. He refused to tell me what happened until I had kissed him on the cheek and offered him some comforting words. He is such a jokester.
His grandfather-in-law would be proud of him - even the joke part. Plus it's good news for the kids - good "tooth genes" from both sides.
Kaylene also saw the Dentist this week and did a great job for her first vist. Way to go Dave.
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