Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Um, Grandpa, I Think This is Cat Food

Man I wish blogging would have been around when my kids where little. I would have had a million quotes to share. Instead, I just have to use the most famous lines as lead-ins to things that are happening now. So the cat food quote was uttered by Katelyn, age 3, when her grandpa tried to serve her refried beans. She was absolutely positive that what he had put on her plate was the same thing that her Grandma Graham put in the cats' food dishes every morning. Now we use this phrase when the food being served doesn't look quite right or the person being served is questioning whether they will like it or not. So I'm using this phrase with a little bit of a spin for today's post. My husband is a meat and potatoes kind of guy. Dishes with meat and potatoes are referred to as "man" food. These are his preferred meals. He is not exactly ecstatic when he is served meals that are to "froo,froo-y", too full of veggies, or quiche. These are labeled "girl" food. Well the other night it was summer-time warm outside and the last thing I wanted to do was cook. We didn't have anything to BBQ so I decided it would be a nice night to try a new dish. We had... Baby greens with grapes and chicken salad. It was dressed with a balsamic vinagrette, walnuts and blue cheese. It was yummy, light and just right. David was of course hesitant to eat "girl" food. But I saw him sneaking some before dinner--twice. And at dinner he said, "This is really good". Yeah for "girl" food that my husband likes. But I'll never get him to eat quiche again (very long, funny story about this that you can ask him to tell someday).

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