Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Even Monkeys Eat Nuts

The idea sounded intriguing. The anacedotal evidence was promising. The lure of lower body fat was enticing. So I thought: "What the heck, why not?" And on Monday I resolved to be a......... Fruititarian (but only for a day). I was inspired by an article I read in Runner's World about a marathon runner who had improved his run times, reduced injury, and just felt generally better about himself after he became a fruititarian. And I'm always looking for ways to improve my running. Especially now that I have finally decided to go for a full marathon next year with the goal of running fast enough to qualify for Boston the following year. So really anything that even suggests it could make me a faster runner, I might give it a whirl--even if it means changing my eating habits. But what I didn't read in the article was ANY mention of how long it might take to adjust to eating only fruit (the guy didn't even consume nuts!). But I was determined to give it a go. So Monday morning I had mixed berries and mint herb tea for breakfast. But I was already cheating because I also added a handful of walnuts to the berries. Then I had a snack around 10 a.m. of one fugi apple. But then I had to cheat again because I was freezing and so I stopped at Starbucks in between schools and got a hot chocolate. Then it was lunchtime and I was totally done with being a fruititarian, except that I had only packed fruit for lunch. So I ate another apple and toughed it out until I got home. When I got home I had another handful of walnuts and another mint herb tea. And made a yummy dinner of greek chicken, quinoa with apricots and walnuts and a green salad. Oh and by Monday night my intestinal tract was done with me being a fruititarian. My tummy gurgled all night long and was still a little gurgley this morning. Glad this morning was a rest morning and I didn't have to run (every single pun you can think of is intended). I discovered I am most definitely an omnivore and will not be trying any sort of "arian" diet anytime soon.


Anonymous said...

Not "fuititarian"- "FRUITCAKE"
Love you bugs, but sometimes...

bell family said...

hey nurse graham not sure how you found me but thanks for the nice compliment of being fast.

bell family said...

okay one more comment. I read one of your post and your funny. YOu sound like me. I too am trying really hard to be more christ like and read my scriptures everyday. Why is it so hard to the the best things? Keep running and good luck with your first marathon.

Jenny said...

When are you going to try "Meatatarian"? Meat is so yummy.

jessica said...

I love fruit...but not that much. I may start incorportating it a little more in my diet though. Anything to keep me in tip top shape for those long 26.2 miles...