Friday, January 29, 2010

In Case You Missed It

Last week, a very "louse-y" week. This week? Not one single bug or nit reported at any of the schools I work at. Yeah! But parents, I caution you from becoming complacent in your diligence of checking your children's heads--sometimes we miss a bug or two and then the whole cycle begins again. January is almost over and I was doing really well on the avoidance of snide and snarky remarks. UNTIL I watched the President's State of the Union Address. If I were giving myself credits for the days I didn't make a rude remark, I would have blown them all in the 2 hours I was watching the speech. So not a proud moment or two for me. In case you are wondering what provoked me here are the top three...
  • His slam on the Supreme Court for the recent ruling on corporations spending for election campaigns. Excuse me Mr. President, but didn't you reject public money for your campaign and pay for it exclusively with private donations and funding?
  • His issue of an executive order because the Senate recently failed to pass one of his pet project bills. Well, golly gee, Mr. President, it seems to me that the Senate is still 60% in your favor so the fact that they neglected to pass your bill might indicate they were actually listening to their constituents--you know, the people they are supposed to be working for. So basically with your issue of an executive order you are saying "Screw you, American public, I'm going to do what I want and I'll achieve it in any way possible.
  • His declaration that in 2011 he will freeze government spending on military, healthcare, and one other thing (which I can't remember because I was too busy commenting on the previous two--mostly healthcare). So tell me, Mr. President, how will you freeze government spending on healthcare if your healthcare reforms go through? Oh yeah, that's right. The taxes on the middle, middle-class and upper middle-class will be so exhorbitant that we will want to quit our jobs just so we can enjoy the government programs we are paying for. Thanks alot for rewarding my husband's and my hardwork.

Ok, now I'm totally in the negative as far as snide comments. Oh well, I'll repent and try again in February.


Anonymous said...

I didn't even watch, it would have led me to use foul language. Plus, his diction and delivery annoy me so badly that I want to throw things at the TV every time he's on. Mostly I want to puke every time the thought of him crosses my mind.


Anonymous said...

Maggie asked me if I wanted to watch it but I just cannot listen to him speak. Like Nathan said, it's not only the garbage he actually says, but the way he speaks is incredibly annoying. So I have to resort to reading what he says, at least then they cut out all the uh, um, and well.


Jenny said...

He annoys me so much I wouldn't even consider watching. Reagan was also pretty annoyed that he was on - "OBAMA AGAIN?!? I hate Obama." Pretty smart five year old, eh?

Anonymous said...

Regan has the right name.
As for me, I try to avoid listening to Satan.

Anonymous said...

He is now starting to prove what the mormon high schoolers called him when he was first elected way back in 2009... it's the OBAMAnation of Desalation.

Lindsay said...

We walked in and out of the room so often-we couldn't stand all the applause for all of the patsy politicking. AHHHH!