Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Detox and Purge

Last year I was mostly happy. By that I mean, I tried to turn from a mostly "glass half-empty" sort into a "glass half-full sort" and find the positives in life. I was mostly happy--try as I might there were just somethings I couldn't find a positive for. I was so mostly happy that after one particular perky post one of my brothers commented "Who are you and WHAT have you done with my sister?" I wrote back that I attributed my new outlook on ridding my body of a toxic organ and finally purging wheat altogether from my diet. The gallbladder came out pretty quickly because it hurt! The wheat? That was a little harder to let go of because I wasn't life-threateningly allergic to it and who really wants to give up all the best things in life like pasta, bread, cookies, crackers, cereal only to replace them with things that sometimes taste just plain disgusting? But I finally bit the bullet and got off of wheat. Coincidentally that occurred around the same time that my gallbladder was quiting. So I felt GREAT after all things were detoxed and purged. So I got to thinking, what happens if this positive perkiness didn't last? What would I purge and detox? I don't really have any more expendable organs and my family might just shoot me if one more thing shows up on my allergy, "can't eat it" list. So I had to dig a little deeper and think about what I could let go. I turned again to the talk and read the line, "Being temperate is to use moderation in all things or to exercise self-control (emphasis added by me)". Exercise self-control--I read this to mean, BITE YOUR TONGUE before saying something or at least counting to 10 and remembering the advice from Thumper's mom. I really don't have too much of a problem with yelling/screaming at my family, friends or people in general. But I do have a problem with snarky, snide, sarcastic and smart-alecky remarks. So mini-goal #1 in learning to develop temperance: Decrease snarky, snide, sarcastic and smart-alecky remarks. No more than two comments per day. Why even give myself one or two comments? Well, I am embarrassed to admit, but these comments are said more often than they really should be. Elder Watson says to carefully examine our expectations and to be diligent and patient when seeking righteous goals. I think if I just tried to go cold-turkey I might fail miserably and give up altogether. So I am trying to make it more realistic and doable for me. Dad, if I can decrease snide, sarcastic, snarky and smart-alecky remarks can we go to Victoria again? (Inside joke, but my family will know what it means)


Anonymous said...

You can't eat grilled cheese anymore anyway, so where would the fun be in going?


Nurse Graham said...

I could still drink water, which is the only thing I was going to order in Victoria. Grilled cheese was at Bridges, silly.

Mom said...

You still have your appendix -so one expendable organ. There are many yummy greek dishes that are wheat-free but sorry, no baklava for you. Victoria is beautiful in the summer. Do your children have passports?

Lindsay said...

Ah ha! Wheat allergy eh? No fun but so great that you're making it work!