Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My name is NOT Chef Graham

What do you get when you take peanut butter, rice krispies, and old marshmallows? Something completely inedible because it is hard as a rock. Didn't know you could screw up Rice Krispies, but I totally did and now the whole world (well at least the 5 people who read this blog) know that I am a failure at impromptu treats. I should never venture far from a recipe book--I was trying to improvise the peanut butter rice krispie treats David's great-grandma used to make, which he absolutely loves. She uses corn syrup instead of marshmallows, maybe that's the trick. Or maybe it's really important to not use marshmallows that have been in the pantry for awhile and are only marginally soft to begin with.


Anonymous said...

Soooo, at least you aren't allergic to the marshmallows.


Anonymous said...

If the recipe called for corn syrup & you didn't use any, that would make the treats pretty hard. It makes a good substitiute for molasses if you don't want the molasses flavor. If the marshmallows weren't rock hard, they should ahve been OK. If this is a special treat, let me take a look & see what needs fixing.
PS Your dad says that allergieas are no excuse for Cocoa Pebbles.