Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Oops, Soap Box Post

I will not be watching the election coverage tonight. No, it is not because David has forbidden me to do so; although, he might have if I didn't have another commitment to attend to tonight. Tonight I will be doing Parent Preview night for Human Growth and Development. Generally this is not a big deal. You go, show the video, ask if there any questions, and quickly wrap things up. This year may be different. Washington State passed a law last year stating that if a district teaches abstinence curriculum they must also include information that is medically and scientifically accurate. Now I want to know, what is medically inaccurate about abstinence being the only 100% effective way to prevent pregnancy and transmission of STD's? I'm frustrated because on this issue, we are given the edict that no personal values may come into play. Now, maybe I should be grateful for this because, let me tell you, there are some of my colleagues that I would not want teaching my children because of their personal belief system. HOWEVER, I strongly believe that children need to hear that it is not "normal"(yes, the feelings are natural, but following through on those feelings before marriage should not be part of every day routine), nor OK, for sexual activity to be a part of their lives. They are not ready for the commitment and consequences of such an act. Almost everywhere children turn these days, they are bombarded with scenes of sexuality and behavior. It is so prevalent, that it is easy to assimilate these beliefs into their lives--remember how many swear words you heard as a child, teen-ager, and young adult and how conscientious you needed to be to make sure that those words did not slip into your own vocabulary. I find it ironic that we (being educators, teachers, school personnel) spend a lot of time, effort, and money on "character building and education programs". Programs that focus on responsibility, respect, integrity, honesty, kindness, friendship, etc. And then on this issue (sex ed), they want to keep it about "biology and science" only. Why?! This gives the children a perfect chance to use all of those "character" skills that we have worked so hard to build. But no, we cop out and take the easy road because, after all, we don't want to impose our values on anyone else.


Anonymous said...

Why should we teach them about responsible behavior? The people designing the curriculum (i.e. liberal beureaucrats) don't believe in it. Neither do the politicians they support (Barney "massive increase in spending" Frank, Barack "spread the wealth around (to those who don't want to strive for excellence)" Obama). Until conservative thought returns to academia, responsibility will be the last thing to be taught.


Anonymous said...

How'd it go?
Check out Nate's e-mail. I hope you didn't encounter too
much "modern enlightenment."

Have you noticed that the word verififcations have almost made sense lately?

Nurse Graham said...

Things went well--usually the parents who come to these parent preview nights are the parents who want to make sure that we are teaching about homosexuality, bisexuality and demonstrating how to put a condom on. I was asked if we talked about STD's and I said that in 4th grade the curriculum is only focused on the fact body changes and the need for deoderant.

BTW, Nate...I loved the e-mail you sent comparing 1957 to 2007. Wish some of that common sense and decency would return.

jessica said...

Amen! This is insane! How can our values NOT come into play! And how many exclamaion points can I use!!!!

Nurse Graham said...

K I left a very important word out of my response... the word is NOT. The sentence should read that the parents are there to make sure that we are NOT teaching homosexuality, bisexuality,...