Monday, February 4, 2013


I'm home sick today which isn't lovely, except that I get to enjoy the sunshine streaming through the sliding glass door in my kitchen.

I love the sunshine. Spending most of my growing up years in Aberdeen (Washington, not Scotland, although the weather is similar) helped me truly appreciate the sun. The year we moved from Aberdeen to eastern WA, it had rained 117 inches in Aberdeen. That is a lot of dark, dreary, rainy days. And even on the days when it wasn't raining, the marine layer often stayed hanging over the Harbor until late in the afternoon. There wasn't much sunshine to enjoy.

When we moved I thought, "Yes! Sun!" and for the most part this is true; however, the winter here can be pretty socked in with fog. Matter-of-fact, most of January was nothing but fog and it has been foggy for the start of February.

But today? Today the sun is out and it is glorious. If I were feeling better I would take a walk. Or at least lay down on the kitchen floor in the sunlight that is streaming in through the door. But laying down is not good for the cough or congestion so I'll just enjoy standing in the doorway basking in the sun. And loving it.

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