Thursday, October 30, 2008

When I Grow Up

Today at the middle school was "Career Day". A day for students and staff to dress in attire representing their desired careers. I did not dress up for the day, but I did spend some time thinking about my life and different careers.
For as long as I can remember I had always wanted to be a doctor--with the exception of my freshman year in college when I thought I wanted to be a lawyer. But I quickly found my way back to the light. Anyway, a doctor. That's what I wanted to be when I grew up. I even interviewed for medical school. Once. That was all. Not again because by that time I was a mother to a wonderful little girl and all of my priorities had shifted.
Now my children are growing up so fast and I wonder if I'll stay in school nursing. It has been a good choice that allows me to work, but also to be the kind of mom that I always wanted to be. But my children will not always need me at the level they need me now and so again my mind begins to wander towards a different career entirely different from the healthcare field.
Maybe because it's an election year. Or maybe it's because I am find myself thinking about my Grandpa Whiting a lot and his service to his community. But for whatever reason, what I really am finding myself drawn to is running for political office someday. I mentioned this to David the other night and he said "you should. you'd be really good at that." So now the question is, when? When would be the right time to jump in to the political arena? Do I wait until K & C are all grown up and out of the house? Where do I start? City council or throw all caution to the wind and go for state rep or senator? i don't know. Maybe these are just pipe dreams conjured up by someone absorbed in this current election season. Someone who really wants to make sure that our Constitution and our Country are protected. Someone who really does believe in the political process, but also someone who believes that government's role should be about leading by example in the areas of personal responsibility, honesty, and a strong work ethic.
Or maybe I'll go work as a Park Ranger at Yellowstone because then I could see things like these all of the time...


Anonymous said...

Who are you, and what have you done with my sister?
I mean good for you if that is what you want to do. Start working on your connections. From what I understand Spokane politics is quite cut-throat.
Seriously, I'm glad that you are feeling so good about life.



Anonymous said...

School board - Donna something that starts with O I think, needs some support (she worked at distribution Services with me.) I'm catching up from being gone last week.

Anonymous said...

PS have you decided against nurse praticioner training?

Nurse Graham said...

Nate your comment made me giggle.You're right about Spokane politics though--pretty cut-throat. I guess I'm not sure if I'm ready for the commitment yet, but maybe someday. Good idea about starting to network.

Mom--I always consider nurse practitioner, especially on days when antibiotics are needed, but then i wonder about where i would practice and being tied to a 9-5 schedule. Guess if a few years that wouldn't be so bad because Katie and Carson will be off on their own. Plus if I'm a nurse practitioner then I could work at the medical clinic in Yellowstone.

Anonymous said...

When I grow up I think it'd be pretty sweet to have bison. So you could come live in Montana and check out our bison. The other week I asked Charlotte if she wanted a bison for her birthday and Maggie said she couldn't have one for a while, so I guess that plan's a go.
