Thursday, October 16, 2008

Does it get any better?

I suppose you could read this question a couple of different ways. Perhaps you read it as an impassioned plea from a mother of teen-agers seeking reassurance and hope that "this too shall pass". Or maybe you read it as a rhetorical question from a mother of teen-agers who is quite content, yea, joyful about her life as it is. Well, if you read it as the latter, you are in the same state that I am in. Don't get me wrong, the whole teen-age thing can be a challenge. But fortunately the "teen-age" moments are few from the true teen-ager and I am hoping that the "teen-age" moments from the 12 year old just mean that he is getting them out of his system and not just ramping up. For those of you experienced with teen-agers, please don't burst my optimism bubble by replying "he is just ramping up". Let me live in this bliss for right now because honestly, that is what I cling to on some days. But really, I am just grateful to be here to do all of the every-day things--go to the grocery store, do laundry, argue with my 12 year old that reading is not dumb and that you just have to do it, etc. On the days that I start to feel frustrated, overwhelmed, overloaded, and every other feeling that goes along with motherhood, I pop over to and read how things are going. Jane is caring for her young nieces and nephew while her sister and brother-in-law recover from a horrific plane accident. Her sister is still in a medically-induced coma and the brother-in-law has started rehab. What I love most about Jane's posts are that she is always joyful, even in the direst of times. I don't think I have ever read a "whoa is me" pity-party post. The other day i was visiting the dentist and the person in the chair next to me (well we were kind-of separated by a little wall) was being told that they were going to have to have extensive work done. That started me praying right there, thanking my Heavenly Father for good teeth and flouridated water when I was young. From there my mind wandered to all of the other things that I should be grateful for and it all boiled down to being grateful for everything. Gee, didn't I learn that in Sunbeams? i guess sometimes we are slow learners. So, I am a contented mom who is trying hard every day to have a more optimistic outlook on things--even teen-age drama. For grins and giggles, I remember the note that a little first grader wrote me last year "Dear Nurse Graham: Thank you for teaching me not to pick my nose". Does it get any better?


Anonymous said...

You need to be thankful for good teeth & fluoridated vitamins; sorry Aberdeen didin't do the water. I'm assuming Carson is being fussy about reading for school stuff. You might check to see if he is being bored out of his mind by one of his classes (I remember a Jr Hi "core" class where we read the book & then wrote out questions & re-read the answers in class. I could ace the tests WITHOUT the questions, let alone the review. Boring.)

jessica said...

Thanks for the comment about Edee's far the sock is still working...

Maya told me that the girl who checked her eyes read my blog. I thought it might be you :)

I also read cjane's blog. It keeps me grounded and always grateful.