Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Don't Tell Michelle Obama

For the entirety of Carson's school career, he has had a cold lunch. Every.Single.Day. (well there were two days during kindergarten when he had a school hot lunch). Since 5th or 6th grade his lunch has consisted of two granola bars, a fruit (usually applesauce), a muffin and a Boost. Every now and then there would be a bit of variation--maybe some cookies or two muffins, maybe a juice of $2 for a chocolate milk. But beyond the occasional treats, he has eaten the same lunch for the last 8 years.

I know that is probably not the most healthy of lunches, but I felt OK about it since he was getting a fruit, Boost, and sometimes actual homemade muffins. And when he first started taking cold lunches he was a finicky little dude with a very narrow range of acceptable foods so we went with what he would eat. As he grew, he decided that he liked more and more foods. Unfortunately, he is also a creature of habit and was quite comfortable knowing exactly what would be in his lunch every day. Truth be told, I'm a creature of habit as well and it was so much easier to pack the same thing day in and day out rather than trying to be creative in the lunchtime menu.

But this last two weeks I have lost momentum. I still pack him granola bars, muffins, and fruit. But he isn't wrestling right now so we aren't buying Boost. The last two trips to the grocery store I forgot to by juice to replenish our stock. So today I packed an RC Cola in his lunch. I can think of only one other time when I have packed him a soda in his lunch. That was a couple of weeks ago when I found myself in a similar situation.

I can't believe I packed him a soda. I feel like I should get the "worst mom" award. I don't think the award should be given just because of the soda. No, I feel like I should get the award because the packing of the soda demonstrates a bit of giving up on my part. I just haven't made it a priority to get to the grocery store to get more juice.

And you know what? Since we still have soda in the garage, I think Carson will probably get a soda in his lunch tomorrow and Friday.

1 comment:

mom said...

Probably why he had to hike Mica Peak alone.....