Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Brian Urlacher, You Say? Nope, that's Carson

Did you notice in the "first day of school" picture that Carson has cleats in his hands? No? Well, he does and they are FOOTBALL cleats. Yep, he is playing football this year. So far I have been OK with that. I figure it is just one of those "rights of passage" for junior high boys. Besides, in our middle school, the boys are divided by weight and age. If you are a big boy, you play with the other big boys and if you are on the smaller end of things, well you play with other boys who are also on the smaller side. Needless to say, Carson plays on the lightweight team. Like I said, I've been OK with things so far. Sure, it's tough seeing your boy come home with forearms and legs that are various shades of blue, purple and green. And no mother enjoys watching her boy limping around because everything hurts. And I felt bad when I had to tell him last night that there wasn't much I could do for him except offer him ibuprofen and put him in an ice bath. But I've been OK with him playing football. UNTIL they announced positions! Those coaches...what were they thinking? They've decided that Carson--my 5'1, 92 pound boy, should be playing offensive and defensive lineman! Are they crazy? I am not OK with this. But Carson is ecstatic about his positions. He says he can't wait to smash into other people. David tried to be very supportive and said that the biggest guy can only be 120 pounds. Um, excuse me, that's still 30 pounds heavier than my boy. I'm trying very hard to put on a brave face, but I'll be that mother you see cringing on the sidelines.


Heather's mom said...

At least you'll commit to being on the sidelines. Mark Bruner's mom wouldn't ever watch him play - and he WAS the biggest kid on the team!
Tight end/wide receiver isn't a piece of cake either but the worst was holder for the place kicker - the other team can't touch the kicker but the holder, already down on the ground & relatively immobile - him they can step on! With Carson's speed & agility, I'm surprised they put him on the line - might there be more to that story?

Anonymous said...

Well, Carson being on the line isn't too far off of what we see on Caleb's football team. He's only 80lbs. and has been playing a lot of tight end and middle linebacker. Most of the kids in the 90-100lb range are interior linemen. And, the heaviest kids on his team can only be 120lbs. By the way, Caleb is having a ball.


gregtimothy said...

Just wait until he's in high school. No weight or size charts and with his competitive spirit and heart, he will give it a shot.

Wrestlers make good football players. Besides it will give a reason to go eatch high school football.

Anonymous said...

I saw he was carrying some extra shoes of some sort, but figured they were wrestling shoes. I'm glad to hear he's having fun, although I too am a little surprised by his positions. At least defensive lineman would still be fun, but offensive line never looked like a whole lot of fun to me.


Maggie said...

Every time I read the title to your post I think it says, "Brain Ulcer, you say? Nope, that's Carson." And then wonder what a brain ulcer is and why Carson would be one.

Nurse Graham said...

LOL. I just spit water all over my computer.

Mindy said...

That same brother I just mentioned tried playing football in high school...because every boy has to play football to be cool. He was a scrawny guy, and he quit soon after the first game. He said that he didn't like getting beaten up. I'm pretty sure my mom didn't ever watch him play.