There has been a battle of wills going on here at the Graham house.
The first shot across the bow was fired sometime this summer
When David indicated he was interested in expanding our family.
Um, no way Jose`! I said.
I dug in my heels.
I fired off my own best counter-moves.
David continued to push, although more covertly.
Until this last weekend when I caught him
Actively looking at ways on how to expand our family.
I again reaffirmed my stance of NO!
But those dang dimples of his...
They are my Achilles' heel.
He flashes me those dimples and
I melt.
So this morning, during my morning workout, I confided to my best friend that David had won.
Then I went home to raise the white flag.
But first I had to toy with Dave a bit.
So I again told David that I wasn't ready to expand our family
(I'm really liking this empty-nest stage)
But if he truly believe that we needed to expand,
We could go ahead
And get a puppy.
But not until this summer.
When I have time to deal with a puppy.
Puppies are like babies.
And at the beginning this will impact me more than him.
My schedule (especially in the summer) is much more flexible
So housetraining and socializing the puppy becomes my burden.
That fact was one of my biggest reasons for saying NO WAY!
That and it is harder to find care for 2 dogs when we got out of town.
And I really want to do some more travelling
Now that we are supposed to be empty-nesters.
But he wants to expand.
PS Don't think for a minute that I am not actively planning my own version of a "push present" that he is going to owe me.
I have my own ideas, but I'm also open to suggestions.
Charlene has the right idea there I think - a more "portable" dog and a trailer to stay in....Of course that is not the system we have - we take in temporary house guests to pet sit.
I saw the facebook of her puppy- so cute. didn't the breeder say that there were still 2 available?-
I should have stated that the only sort of puppy Dave is interested in is a black lab puppy. No small "portable" dogs, at least not at this time. Those sorts of dogs don't make very good hunters.
Chester was one of the best bird dogs Grandpa Harper ever had - and he was a miniature poodle-just saying. Maybe you could compromise on a Lagatto romagnolo - a new breed which is an old breed from Italy where it was first a bird dog/ water retriever and now a truffle hunter so still good noses. Looks like a miniature poodle kinda, but definitely not a black lab.
I actually was researching Shiba Inu's. They apparently were used for bird hunting and small game hunting.
Just don't get anything that I'm going to have to treat for pancreatits later...
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