Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Poem for Me

In our church we have a program called visiting teaching. Every woman in our congregation over the age of 18 is assigned a pair of visiting teachers. These ladies visit together once a month. The purpose of the progra,m is to develop connections, friendships, and stewardship. Sure, sometimes the connections and friendships feel superficial and forced and sometimes the pairs just don't work out. And yes, sometimes women don't want to visit or be visited. Overall, however, the program works how it is supposed to and women do feel connected.

My current visiting teacher didn't have a chance to actually come and visit me in my home before they switched up the routes and she was reassigned. However, she took the time to find out a little bit about me (I only see her at church) and then got me a couple of things to let me know she was thinking of me. She got me some yummy smelling lotion and some gardening tools. But perhaps the most meaningful gift was the poem she wrote to honor my running.

The Runner

What others don't always get to see, the runner see,s
Beautiful fields, rivers, lakes & trees.
She smells fresh cut grass, leaves and flowers in the summer.
She runs past beaches with ocean views beside her.
Each step in her race puts her closer to the finish line and further from the beginning.
But her running is more about the journey and less about
She loves to run no matter how far,
These are a few things she cannot enjoy in a car.
For the runner is blessed beyond measure with health, strength,
and peace.
The wonders of her world will never cease.

Thank you so much Debi Bickelhaupt. That poem means so much to me--especially the line about running being more about the journey than winning. Running is all about the journey for me. It is the time when I connect with my friends. And lately, it has been the time when I have heard the clearest messages and lessons from my Heavenly Father.

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