Originally my focus word for 2017 was going to be creativity.
Then I read a book by my friend Tammy Christensen.
In the book she talked about barriers or limits we place on ourselves.
As I read her words, I thought about the various boxes I have put myself in.
The not-creative box
The not-a-very-nice-person box
The not-gritty box
The I-give-up box
All of those boxes.
I'm not very happy with where I have put myself.
So I thought some more about my focus word for 2017.
I thought about how I can change.
The only way to change is to really discover the barriers.
And then once the barriers have been identified,
discover ways to break through the barriers.
So my focus word for 2017 is DISCOVERY
I'm excited about this word.
I'm looking forward to discovering my creative side.
I know it is in me. I have just buried it because
of failed attempts at being creative.
I'm discovering how other people describe me.
For the most part, I don't think people would describe me
as a not-very-nice person.
I want to allow myself to see myself as nice and kind.
I'm setting goals for myself that will push me
and help me develop mental strength, fortitude and grit.
I'll be blogging about all of these things throughout the year.
I hope you will follow along.
I'm also doing Facebook Live videos to share growth and insights.
Here's to
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