Friday, October 24, 2014

Mars vs Venus

There have been many Mars vs Venus moments that have occurred in our household over the years. During these moments, the desired outcome is achieved but the route to get there is definitely not the same for each person. Most of the time the routes seem to fall along stereotypical lines.

I was going to use parenting as an example, but on further reflection I think the differences had more to do with personality styles more than chromosome differences. Dave was always more about the fun, jokes, and playtime, while I was more focused on rules, discipline and work. Fortunately we were able to balance each other out and achieved (I hope) the desired outcome of raising children  into well-adjusted, successful and independent adults.

So moving on. Let's consider folding clothes. The goal is to get the clothes folded, but Dave's way is not my preferred way. Or consider the way the guys seem to look for things. If something isn't found right away, or if finding something requires more than a cursory glance in the general area, the guys usually aren't going to find it. I go to look for the same object in the same place that I just told the guys to look and viola! the object is found right away. I don't do anything special, but I do look a little harder and don't give up until the lost is found.

And our most recent example of Mars vs Venus adventures in our house...

The desired outcome:
Our bed is made every morning

What it looks like when I make the bed:

What it looks like when Dave is in charge of making the bed:

It's really not a big deal that the pillows are just thrown haphazardly on the bed when Dave makes the bed because the bed is made. It just cracked me up to see yet another example of how the two of us often approach the same task differently and still arrive at the desired outcome.

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