I sit here on the floor of my family room with Shark Week on in the background and stare at the computer. My daughter, Katelyn, has been asking why I don't blog any more. I don't really have a good answer for her. It sounds lame to say that I had more to blog about when the kids were home; that somehow I am only interesting if I had kid stories to tell. I didn't want my identity and stories to be wrapped up in being a momma to growing kids because what would happen to me (and my blog) when the kids were grown?
But even though I didn't want things to happen like that, I did let it happen. I fell into the trap of thinking that I didn't have anything worth blogging about if I didn't have a kid story to tell. I didn't think people would want to read about my own daily activities, or my skewed, sometimes snarky, view of things. But I guess Katelyn really is interested in those things, because she keeps asking when I'm going to start blogging again.
So, ready or not...
I'm blogging again.